The Gwalia Singers

The Gwalia Ladies/Gwragedd Gwalia 

Wives and partners of the choir members meet about four times a year.  They arrange fundraising activities and social events to support the choir.  It is not an elected committee, everyone who wants to offer their support is most welcome.

Gwragedd Gwalia/Ladies’ Evening Concert.  Scout/Guide Hall, Brynmill - December 10th, 2024

There was much to organise for the annual Ladies’ Evening Gwalia Concert.Lists were prepared of duties-buffet, drinks, raffle tickets and gift requirements etc in previous meetings,and all was set out in the Hall and kitchen early afternoon.

Gwalia delighted the audience with a mixed repertoire of songs in the first half-and there was a poignant rendition of ‘Benedictus’ followed by a ‘minute’s silence’ in honour of their much-loved fellow chorister, Lawrence Sutton, who sadly passed away last week. The up-beat ‘Five Foot Two’ was a great first performance and encouraged high spirits and relaxation. The audience also enjoyed their carol-singing participation before the interval.

Mike Phippen,the Deputy Chairman introduced the second half with a tribute to former President Mr. Geoff Wheel, for his wonderful commitment to Gwalia for many years,and donated £11,030 to Janet Fisher, MND South West Wales,in his honour.

The Choir then continued with their Christmas spirit and songs-and the audience enjoyed more carol-singing participation.  The evening concluded with a delightful buffet for all-and all necessary clearing tasks were undertaken in the Hall and kitchen.  It was a lovely evening!Noson hyfryd-a diolch yn fawr!  We look forward to next year’s!

Ladies’ Social Quizz Evening
Friday,October 18th,2024

A good attendance at Holy Cross Church for the Quizz Evening.Tough competition amongst the groups-but an evening of socialising and good fun!  Many thanks to Robert,Roger and Wendy the Quizzmasters, and all who supported the event!Much appreciated!  Diolch yn fawr!

Gwragedd/Ladies’ Meeting - 17/09/24

A good attendance in the meeting with many still recovering from the Sardinia trip!  Thank you!  A number of forthcoming Autumn events in which we are involved were discussed i.e

*Social Quiz Evening - 18/10/24 in Holy Cross Church, West Cross

*MND Concert - 09/11/24 in Tŷ Coch College, Sketty

*Annual Carol Concert - 10/12/24 in the Scout’s Hall, Bryn Road

Also, having heard the Treasurer’s Report it was agreed that the Ladies would finance transport for the Choristers to the prestigious Principality Stadium Rugby Event on 17/11/24

Our next meeting is arranged for 19/11/24 in the Linden Centre.  We hope to see a good turn-out for the Social Quiz Evening in Holy Cross Church Hall on October 18th! Who are the clever ones amongst us??  Croeso cynnes i bawb!

Gwalia Choir visit to Sardinia - September 6-13  (more photos)

Many of us Ladies were delighted to accompany the Choir to Sardinia.  We thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful performances - and other highlights e.g. Craig’s Hawaiian outfit outshone all others!  But seriously so proud of everyone’s hard work and commitment!  Hope our support is helpful too!

A huge ‘thank you’ to Alan and all organisers!  Diolch yn fawr!  Benissimo!