The Gwalia Singers

The Gwalia Ladies/Gwragedd Gwalia 

Wives and partners of the choir members meet about four times a year.  They arrange fundraising activities and social events to support the choir.  It is not an elected committee, everyone who wants to offer their support is most welcome.

Programme of Events

Autumn Quiz.
Holy Cross Church Hall, Fairwood Road, SA3 5JP.

Watch this space.

Tuesday 10th December, 2024.
Gwalia Ladies Charity  Concert.
Gwalia Singers.
Scout & Guide HQ, Bryn Road Brynmill, Swansea
Available nearer the time.

Cinio'r Gwragedd / Ladies Lunch - Thursday,June 27,2024 - CVlyne Golf Club.

A lovely lunch at Clyne, and an opportunity to socialise and enjoy.  Thank you,Liz for organizing - diolch yn fawr!  We look forward to future events in the Autumn.The ‘Barbecue’ is,unfortunately cancelled due to commitments.

Hwyl am y tro!

Cyfarfod/Meeting - Tuesday,28th May,2024.

Many thanks to all who attended.Diolch yn fawr!  Business was discussed as usual - feedback, finances and on-going events i.e.
·       Gwalia Concert in Llanarthne, Saturday, June 1st, 2024
·       Gwalia Annual Concert at All Saints, Mumbles, June 15th, 2024
·       Ladies’ Lunch,Thursday, 27th June, 2024
·       BBQ Social Evening, Clyne Church, July 13th, 2024
We appreciate everyone’s support and contribution.

Edrych ymlaen!

Lynda and Haydn at the Cliff Hotel, Gwbert, Cardigan - May 2024

After 13 years as Chairperson of the Gwalia Ladies, Lynda’s service was recognised with gift vouchers.  She says:

“We spent a lovely time in The Cliff Hotel, Gwbert, Cardigan. We had a room with a sea view and balcony looking over Cardigan Bay.  It rained every day but we managed to enjoy the experience.  The hotel is quite modern with panoramic views and good disabled facilities, dog friendly and with a good cliff path for walking adventures.  We enjoyed watching 5 baby rabbits playing on the lawn and saw seals swimming in the bay beyond, whilst indulging in afternoon tea.

Thank you all once again for your generous gift of vouchers,

Lynda & Haydn”

Noson Gymdeithasol / Social Evening

Friday,26th April,2024 - Clyne Golf Club

Such a special evening!arranged by Gwragedd Gwalia/Gwalia Ladies, well-attended by Choristers,family and friends.Diolch yn fawr!  Many thanks for your support!  The Raffle Tickets did well too!

A tasty meal of curries or ‘chasseur’ were served,with much socialising and enjoyment.  The evening’s entertainment was provided by the U3A Ukelele Band, and indeed, they were superb - with a rendition of many popular songs, very one joining in!
An excellent social event!  Arbennig!

Gwalia Ladies’ meeting/ Cyfarfod Gwragedd Gwalia

16th April, 2024

An excellent turn-out for the meeting, and some new members. Diolch yn fawr!  Much appreciated!  Business was discussed as usual, but the main focus was the upcoming events i.e.

*Social evening - Meal at Clyne Golf Club-Friday, 26th April 2024

*Ladies’ Lunch - 27th June 2024

*Gwalia Annual Concert - 15th June 2024

*Barbecue - 13th July 2024

Please note that the Ladies’ Lunch is a great opportunity for old and new friends to join us, everyone is welcome!

We continue to promote and support Gwalia Choristers with our activities, we have fun and enjoy.

Our next meeting is 28th May 2024. Croeso cynnes i bawb!  A warm welcome to all Ladies! Diolch!

Gwalia Ladies Meeting - 20th February, 2024

A good,productive meeting to discuss feedback from last year’s events,funds and plans for the year ahead.  We look forward to all the fundraising and social events considered.

The highlight of the evening was recognising Lynda Lewis’ huge efforts and commitment as Chairperson of Gwalia Ladies/Gwragedd Gwalia for over 13 years.  Diolch am wasanaeth arbennig!  Sincere thanks, Lynda (and Haydn of course!) from all members of Gwalia for your hard work and exceptional dedication! Dymuniadau gorau!  Best Wishes!

Croeso nawr i Wendy Gadd! A warm welcome to Wendy Gadd as Chairperson!  Other responsibilities are held by Liz Brent/Secretary, Maria Bengeyfield/Treasurer, Delyth Reed/Ladies’ Website.  Many thanks  to Jan Davies as former Treasurer for all her hard work and efficiency.We’re all here to help and support!  We’d also appreciate any other Gwalia Ladies/Gwragedd Gwalia who can offer a helping hand.



Liz Brent

(Ladies' Web Page)

We hope to see a good turn-out supporting Gwalia Choir  for the Saint David’s Day celebration on Saturday morning,March 2nd in Swansea Market-and in the evening concert in All Saints’ Church, Mumbles.

Hwyl am y tro!

Annual Ladies Charity Christmas Concert

The Annual Ladies Charity Christmas Concert is held in the Swansea Scout & Guide Headquarters in Brynmill.  Every year the ladies support a different charityTickets are sold to partners and supporters and a buffet is included in the price.  Choir members have a free glass of wine or beer after they have finished their singing.  The choir members call this a 'Singing for their supper event'. 

The Choir sing a selection of pieces for the first half and then there is a short talk from
the recipient of the charity donation.  After the choir have sung the second half of their concert  an excellent buffet is served by the ladies to the guests and the choir.  After the buffet Christmas Hampers and lots of other prizes are raffled.  During the evening a collection is made for that years charity.  The evening finishes with everyone joining in with Christmas carols including the ever popular, energetic  'Twelve Days of Christmas'.  As well as a donation to the charity the evening also makes a profit for the choir funds.

A great evening is always had by all.  Well done all those who always work so hard to make this possible

Meet some of the the Girls

             In the kitchen




            and in the hall


Patsy & Mary


Anna, Jan & Mandy


There are many other ladies who helped with this event, we will get their pictures next time, and the choir's thanks go to all of them for organising this great event.