Gwalia Singers

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Cungherddau'r Dyfodol
Tîm Cerddorol Cysylltu








 Previous decade: the 2010's

Alan Short

January 2020

We had a quiet January, with regard to concerts.  We were sorry to hear the sad news that Alan Short had lost his battle with a short-term illness and had passed away. Alan was a keen sportsman and a very good 2nd tenor and had been with us for nine years. He leaves his wife Eileen, children and grandchildren and will be sadly missed by the choir and his family. It was great to sing at his funeral at Swansea Crematorium.

February 2020

Our first performance of the year was at the Three Lamps, on Saturday 22nd, to provide entertainment for the Wales v France rugby match. We sang for about half an hour before the game and managed to squeeze in a few items at half time. After the game we moved around the various floors singing a few songs to each group of people, including a hen party on the top floor! The response we get from these is amazing and most of the partygoers are youngsters who would probably never hear a male voice choir singing.

On Saturday 29th we were back at All Saints, Oystermouth for a fundraising concert for the choir and a local charity ‘Therapy for Swansea Kids’. The concert entitled ‘March into March’ feature d the choir and the newly formed ‘Rock Choir’, which comprises members of choirs from Swansea, Mumbles, Neath, Carmarthen and Llanelli. The concert started with Roger Gadd presenting a cheque of £2000.00 to the charity which has established a Therapy Centre at Hill House and is entirely run by volunteer parents, therapists and friends. We opened the concert with ‘Cwm Rhondda’, with Steve joining Rhian on the organ, and also performed ‘Pacem’. This is relatively new to our repertoire and is accompanied by Rhian and Gareth Widlake on viola. During this set Nick presented our service ties to Geoff Jones, for completing five years, and Adrian Crowley and Anthony Marmont for ten years. There was also a tie for our youngest member who was actually celebrating his 18th birthday! Mike Phippen received his tie for five years’ service and we all sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him. We finished our first set with ‘The Impossible Dream’. The Rock Choir then sang and started with ‘Since You’ve been Gone’ and included ‘Super Trouper’ and ‘Don’t Stop me Now’ in their first set. The first half finished with a terrific solo by Lee Ellery who is the ‘Special Ambassador’ for the charity. He sang ‘I Dreamed A Dream’ from ‘Les Miserables’ and received a deserved standing ovation at the end. The Rock Choir started the second half with Justin Timberlake’s ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’ followed by ‘Only You’. Their performance is always very lively and are well directed by Dan Rogers, who’s enthusiasm is affectious. They finished their second set with ‘Shut Up and Dance with Me’. We finished the concert with our second set, and we started with our ‘Abba Medley’. It was great to see our previous MD, Simon Oram, in the audience, who arranged this medley for the choir. We sang a number of our favourites and finished with ‘An American Trilogy’ to a standing ovation from the packed audience. This was possibly Nick’s last concert and it was a fitting end to all his hard work over the past 13 years. Special thanks must go to the sponsors of the concert Swansea Building Society, Liberty Homes, Designer Outdoor Lighting, RDM Electrical and Mechanical Services, and Morganstone. Also, to our Ladies Committee who looked after ‘front of house’ and CD sales. Lastly to our fundraising committee who put the concert together. Following the concert, we all adjourned to the West Cross Inn, arranged by Meirion Howells, and they provided a lovely buffet for us.

Nick Rogers, our outstanding MD for the past 14 years, had announced that he would be standing down after the concert at the end of February.  Nick is staying with the choir and has joined the second bass

March 2020 - June 2021

Sandra KnightSandra Knight was appointed as the new Musical Director of the choir starting in March.  She was appointed from several applicants and we are very lucky to have found a person with her qualities.  She gave her first full rehearsal with the choir in preparation for a concert at the Brangwyn Hall, Swansea for the Young Singer Bursary Winners with West Glamorgan Youth Music. However, unprecedented events took over.  Toward the end of March, the Coronavirus Pandemic came into being.  As a result, "lockdown" throughout the UK was brought in by the government with self-isolation and gathering of people strictly banned.  Government rules were to "Stay at home and Stay safe".

This had a profound effect on all choirs- unable to meet and rehearse!  2020 was to be a very busy year for the Gwalia Singers.  All future concerts were cancelled.  This included a retirement dinner in honour of former MD Nick Rogers, a combined concert with the Kronshagen Choir from Germany, a choir tour to Cornwall as well as singing at several weddings and at other events.

With the new MD eager to commence her appointment and no choir rehearsals, technology came to the forefront.  Regular monthly newsletters from the Chairman, Clive Walters and the Music Team were forwarded to choristers along with new pieces of music to add to the choir's repertoire.  This was important so that sectional parts could be learnt in readiness for when rehearsals could resume. (Also to keep everyone busy during lockdown). Zoom has come to our aid – we had a committee meeting, a social gathering and a quiz, thank you Gareth John for being our Quiz Master.  Sandra also met with the four sections of the choir over a period of weeks via "Zoom". A new chapter had begun.......

Ed Parton Dr Carl Sullivan, who sings with the second tenors and a former committee member, is leaving the choir.  He was a doctor at Morriston hospital and is now taking up a promotional position in Sheffield.  He leaves with our thanks and good wishes.

Unfortunately, a very loyal and participative member of the Gwalia Singers – Edwin [Ed] Parton passed away on 20th March this year.  He had been unwell for some time with lung cancer and was having regular treatment in hospital where he contracted the coronavirus. 

He was a very much loved and intelligent member of the choir which he joined in May 2008. His potential was soon recognised when he was elected to the committee at the AGM in 2011. In the same year he took on the role of Patron’s Secretary, communicating regularly with all those many individuals who support the choir. In 2013 the choir Chairman at the time – Clive Walters, invited him to be Vice Chairman which he gladly accepted and was elected Chairman in 2015.  He added a special mature and hard-working dimension to this role which he held for the normal two years.  On completion of his chairmanship he continued to serve as an experienced committee member.

He will be greatly missed by all the choir, especially the second tenors and certainly by the many golfers who played with him.  Our deepest sympathies are with his wife Janet.

February 2021

Our first performance of the year was at the Three Lamps, on Saturday 22nd, to provide entertainment for the Wales v France rugby match. We sang for about half an hour before the game and managed to squeeze in a few items at half time. After the game we moved around the various floors singing a few songs to each group of people, including a hen party on the top floor! The response we get from these is amazing and most of the partygoers are youngsters who would probably never hear a male voice choir singing.

On Saturday 29th we were back at All Saints, Oystermouth for a fundraising concert for the choir and a local charity ‘Therapy for Swansea Kids’. The concert entitled ‘March into March’ feature d the choir and the newly formed ‘Rock Choir’, which comprises members of choirs from Swansea, Mumbles, Neath, Carmarthen and Llanelli. The concert started with Roger Gadd presenting a cheque of £2000.00 to the charity which has established a Therapy Centre at Hill House and is entirely run by volunteer parents, therapists and friends. We opened the concert with ‘Cwm Rhondda’, with Steve joining Rhian on the organ, and also performed ‘Pacem’. This is relatively new to our repertoire and is accompanied by Rhian and Gareth Widlake on viola. During this set Nick presented our service ties to Geoff Jones, for completing five years, and Adrian Crowley and Anthony Marmont for ten years. There was also a tie for our youngest member who was actually celebrating his 18th birthday! Mike Phippen received his tie for five years’ service and we all sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him. We finished our first set with ‘The Impossible Dream’. The Rock Choir then sang and started with ‘Since You’ve been Gone’ and included ‘Super Trouper’ and ‘Don’t Stop me Now’ in their first set. The first half finished with a terrific solo by Lee Ellery who is the ‘Special Ambassador’ for the charity. He sang ‘I Dreamed A Dream’ from ‘Les Miserables’ and received a deserved standing ovation at the end. The Rock Choir started the second half with Justin Timberlake’s ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’ followed by ‘Only You’. Their performance is always very lively and are well directed by Dan Rogers, who’s enthusiasm is affectious. They finished their second set with ‘Shut Up and Dance with Me’. We finished the concert with our second set, and we started with our ‘Abba Medley’. It was great to see our previous MD, Simon Oram, in the audience, who arranged this medley for the choir. We sang a number of our favourites and finished with ‘An American Trilogy’ to a standing ovation from the packed audience. This was possibly Nick’s last concert and it was a fitting end to all his hard work over the past 13 years. Special thanks must go to the sponsors of the concert Swansea Building Society, Liberty Homes, Designer Outdoor Lighting, RDM Electrical and Mechanical Services, and Morganstone. Also, to our Ladies Committee who looked after ‘front of house’ and CD sales. Lastly to our fundraising committee who put the concert together. Following the concert, we all adjourned to the West Cross Inn, arranged by Meirion Howells, and they provided a lovely buffet for us.

Nick Rogers, our outstanding MD for the past 14 years, had announced that he would be standing down after the concert at the end of February.  Nick is staying with the choir and has joined the second basssection.

March 2021Ed Parton

It is with great sadness that we have lost one of our Choristers - Raymond Pelzer who passed away on 9th March 2021. Tony Brooks (from the Bass Section) has written the following tribute to Ray.

"Whenever I think of Ray I always smile, he had a wicked and infectious sense of humour and was always laughing and telling stories, so much so, you just couldn’t help but laugh along with him."  Ray was a gifted singer with a beautiful Top Tenor voice, he will be especially missed in the Top Tenor section and significantly by the Gwalia Singers as a whole.  Ray joined the Gwalia Singers in January 1992 and soon became a valued chorister, his attendance at Rehearsals and Concerts was exemplary. Ray remained with the choir for 29 years, playing an active role at Concerts and the Afterglows wherever the Gwalia Singers performed around the world. -  "Rest in Peace my Friend."

It was very pleasing to see Dr Carl Sullivan returning to the choir.

June 2021

An announcement was made by the Government that Choirs would be permitted to sing together again, face to face under restrictions with Risk Assessments, Health and Safety Procedures, Social Distancing and the wearing of masks becoming the norm.  What great joy to finally rehearse and to sing together face to face!  There had never been a greater time to appreciate being a chorister and that special feeling of belonging to "a Choir Family".  The Gwalia Singers took up the mantle of further widening their repertoire in rehearsals, enjoying the benefits of singing together again .
Emyr Price left the choir as he moved away to Burry Port.  He will be missed after 15 years as a second tenor and as committee member.  We thank him and Mandy, who was treasurer of the Ladies Committee, for all they have done for the choir and wish them all the best in their new home.

July 2021

We are very pleased to welcome Cliff Gapper into the choir as a full-time singer with the second basses, we wish him a long and enjoyable time with the Gwalia Singers.

September 2021

September was a busy month for the choir, having being invited to sing at two weddings and also at The Mumbles Festival of Music and the Arts 2021 (see photos).  The successful festival concert, alongside Swansea Soprano Ros Evans, was an excellent platform for the Gwalia Singers to introduce three pieces of work from their new repertoire. During the evening we were able to present Gareth John and John Haslam with their 10 year service ties, congratulations to them.  It is very encouraging to see the choir numbers growing and over the last few months the choir has welcomed nine new probationary choristers. 

October - November 2021

We have now started rehearsing our Christmas repertoire ready for our December concerts.  We have been very pleased to see our probationers becoming full time members of the choir, we welcome the following members into the choir and wish them all a long and happy association with the Gwalia Singers.

Top Tenor - Richard Lewis.  Second Tenors - David Lloyd, Phil Renowden, Roger Spring and Robert Walters.  Baritone - Gordon Reed.  Basses - Robert Parker and Phil Webster. 
Ed Parton
It is with very great sadness that we have to report the passing of Thomas George Bowen - ‘George’.  He was one of our Choristers and passed away peacefully in his sleep, after a long illness, on the 21st October 2021.  George joined the choir in March 2007 and served as a reliable and conscientious chorister until the Coronavirus pandemic closed the choir down in February 2019.  He had a lovely baritone voice and seldom missed a rehearsal, concert, wedding or concert tour.  Towards the end of his time with the choir he would sing from his wheel chair as he could no longer stand or walk.  George will always be remembered for his entertaining stories about his time in the Royal Navy and the Police Force and for his deep booming laugh.  He will be greatly missed by all his friends in the Gwalia Singers.

December 2021

Sandra Knight’s tenure as our Musical Director came to an end in early December.  Sandra has been with us throughout the pandemic and we thank her for all she has done for the choir during that time.  We are very fortunate that our former MD, Nick Rogers has agreed to step in while we search for a replacement.  Our permanent accompanist, Rhian, is unable to be with us at the moment so we are very grateful to Steve Wilson and Gareth Widlake who have stood in to fill the gap, we are very fortunate to have such talented musicians in the choir.

We were very disappointed that our first Christmas concert at St Hilary’s Church had to be cancelled due to coronavirus restrictions.

Maggie's 21                            
Maggie's Logo 21
Our second concert went ahead in All Saints Church on the 16th December in Oystermouth and it was a great success.  We, along with the soprano Ross Evans, sang to raise funds for Maggie’s, a local Cancer support charity.  We were able to christen our new staging that we had purchased before the pandemic.  We sang a mixture of music including some new songs from our repertoire and well as some of our traditional Christmas songs (see the programme).

During the concert ties were presented to some choristers in recognition of their long of service to the choir, this should have been done before but lack of formal concerts, again due to Covid, has caused a build-up of recipients.
Dewer Neill35 Years - Clive Walters.        25 Years - Nick Rogers and Mike Williams.        20 Years - Des Criddle and Steve Wilson.        15 Years - John Morgan.
10 Years - Peter Jacobs and Craig Thomas.        5 Years - Clive Dowell, James McCarry, Carl Sullivan and Phil Withy.
Brian Warwick (5 Years) and Geoff Wheel (10 Years) will have their ties presented at the next opportunity.  We congratulate them all and thank them for all they do for the choir.

It is with sadness that we have to report the news that Dewer Neill passed away on New Years Eve. He died peacefully in Brynfield Manor where he had been for three days.  Dewer had been struggling with painful arthritis for several years.  He had been a very loyal choir member for 15 years since January 2007, and had attended nearly all choir concerts and tours in that time.  We send our sympathy to his wife Patsy, a valued Gwalia supporter, and to his family.

January 2022

In the New Year we returned to rehearsals after our Covid/Christmas break with Nick still running the rehearsals and Stephen on the keyboard.  We spent the time polishing the songs we had

learned since July and some of our past repertoire.

February 2022

This month we met our new Musical Director, Matthew Sims.  Matthew is an enthusiastic and very capable musician/conductor and he has exciting plans to help to develop the choir and move us forward.  He took two rehearsals with us and then on the 22nd of February the choir unanimously voted him in as their permanent MD.  It was also very pleasing to see Rhian, our accompanist, back after a long break.  She will continue playing at our rehearsals on alternate weeks and at our public performances while Stephen will continue on the other weeks.  We are very fortunate to have such a strong Music Team.  We are very pleased to announce that Ian Bengeyfield (2nd Tenor), Barry Jones (Baritone) and Neil Lewis (Bass) have passed their voice test with Matt and we welcome them as full members of the Gwalia Singers.

March 2022
Mumbles Rugby

On Sunday the 6th March the Gwalia Singers performed their first concert of the year at Mumbles Rugby club.  This was a concert to celebrate St David’s Day and was the first event for our new conductor, Matthew Sims. We also a welcomed the return of our accompanist Rhian Stone. The concert was a resounding success as the choir performed to a capacity crowd, singing some traditional Welsh items, together with items from our repertoire. It was a wonderful afternoon crowned by a final standing ovation.  We had a collection for the ‘Ukraine Appeal Fund’ which was generously supported and raised £350.  Our thanks go to Peter JacobsMumbles Rugby Club and their Chairman Simon Evans for their invitation and hospitality. We hope to make this an annual event in the future. 

It is with very great sadness that we have to report that Peter Jacobs, one of our First Tenors, passed away on the 11th March.  He died in hospital having been fighting against cancer for a long time.  He will be greatly missed by all of our choir members especially for his lovely tenor voice and his great sense of humour. Our thoughts go out to Rae and his family.

At our rehearsals we are learning a new version of “Calon Lan” by John Hughes and arranged by Jeffery Howard.  We are looking forward to learning “To Where You Are”, arranged by Alwyn Humphreys with Words and Music by Richard Marx & Linda Thompson.

April - August 2022

As my first duty in writing this Choir News update, I would like to thank all the Music Team, Choristers, Supporters, Patrons, Committee, and our President for such a wonderful warm welcome since being appointed as Musical Director in February. Since then, the Choir has been very busy, not just singing at weddings and other engagements but hard at work at rehearsals too. Adapting to new techniques and building a bond between myself and the Choir.

In June I was honoured to preside over my first annual concert, and it was an emotional moment when being presented the ‘Choir Baton’ from our former Musical Director, Nick at the start of the evening. This concert is our flagship for the year, where we measure our success and showcase the Choir, and its abilities, to our followers and the public. The concert was a huge success. This was evident by the standing ovation that was received following the final number. This was the first annual concert for 3 years, due to the pandemic, but the way in which the Choir performed and responded to the occasion made me feel very proud, especially being able to include some new repertoire in such a short space of time. Rhian, our accompanist supported the choir, accompanying with confidence and sensitivity. I would like to thank Rhian for her continued hard work. I would also like to thank all the ladies who helped make the evening such a success, and who are always ready to help. On the evening we were very pleased to welcome our Irish guest artiste for the evening, Karl McGuckin, who entertained us and added so much to the evening. Karl was expertly accompanied by our guest accompanist Jeffery Howard. We are already looking forward to next year’s concert, and the plans for that are already underway.


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In July, following the annual concert, we took the Choir on a short ‘Roadtrip’ with our ‘Rehearsals on the Road’. We would like to thank the Commercial Inn, Killay, Uplands Rugby Club, Swansea Yacht Club and Mumbles Rugby Club for the welcome and the use of their facilities. Recruitment is very important, and as a result we have welcomed 5 new choristers to the ranks, including 2 new 1st tenors, who are difficult to find. I extend a warm welcome to all the new members, “you are already an important part of our family, and I wish you long and fruitful membership of the Choir”.

As we look forward, the Choir have 2 engagements on the horizon. September 10th at All Saints Church, as a part of the Mumbles Festival, and our own Autumn Concert to be held at the Calon Lan Centre with our guests ‘Cor Y Gyrlais’. This is ahead of our trip to Greece, where we will participate in a music festival. I look forward to writing to you all again soon with an update, following the return of our tour. I look forward to seeing you at one of our concerts soon.

Greece - 5th to 12th October 2022

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There can be no doubt that the highlight was a superb tour to Greece, but, prior to that, we had a well received ‘pre-tour concert’ at the famed Calon Lân Centre, with a predictably knowledgeable and enthusiastic audience. Shortly after that, we were off to Greece, meeting one dark early October morning in pouring rain to board buses to Heathrow! Bad traffic delayed us but spirits were fine, with some tricky quizzes to keep the brains moving. We should also remember the contribution to this tour by our hardworking Ladies’ section.

Greece 2

Once on board the plane, the crew had evidently realised that there was a Welsh Male Voice Choir on board and we responded to a request by entertaining the other passengers to a song. Acoustics are not wonderful on a plane, but we managed well enough. We spent the first night in Athens. Apart from a view of the Acropolis from the rooftop restaurant, memories of that city seem to be mainly of congested traffic. However, many of us had wife, friend or family with us and it was a great social success, as the party totalled 87 people. On, then, eventually, to Nafpaktos, our base for a few days, stopping to view the amazing Corinth Canal en route. We were greeted by hotel staff at the Lepanto Beach Hotel by the excellent Danielle and her staff and enjoyed plentiful food, mostly at the neighbouring restaurant.

Here began the real highlight for all of us. We lounged on the beach, most of us testing the warm waters as well, despite certain exuberant personnel trying to drown half of the choir and wandered around this delightful and historic area. Our first concert was memorable, on the lovely harbour and surrounded by history as we  followed a local host choir and a very good string quartet in this dreamy location where they were celebrating the battle of Lepanto, the l

Choir 1

ast major battle fought between rowing vessels. The opposing Ottomans were defeated, by the way. To add to this highlight, we were entertained by and with our ‘Host’ choir at a local restaurant. The duo of guitar and bouzouki soon had lots of us dancing and there was lots of singing, including solos, from Dan or Matthew being serious and others letting out some humour. The entertainment might have stopped there, but some of the younger element, along with a few elders who might have known better, continued to sing back near our hotel – and on the beach or in the water – well into the night!

Well, the tour continued, with concerts at the Agrinio Festival and at Mesologgi, which went down well with the locals, although audience numbers were not huge. The choir was in good voice and much appreciated by all. However, the stay in Nafpaktos will stay long in our memories. Then it was back to the traffic of Athens and the return flight (yes, we were asked to sing again) and a late return for about 50 choristers and lots of friends. Sadly, there were a couple of injuries from trips and slips, but most were treated by our resident doctor, Carl. Stalwart bass Pip had to remain in Greece for a week or two because his fall had led to a hip fracture John Morgan but, as a stalwart, he came to rehearsals just a couple of weeks after his return to take his place in the front row.

It is with great sadness that that we have to report that William John Morgan (John) passed away suddenly on 25th October 2022.  Our sympathy goes to Pauline, his wife, and to all his family.  John had been a valued member of the choir for over 15 years, and was a stalwart baritone.  He will be remembered for his sense of humour and as a very caring man who always kept in touch with choristers who were ill and not able to attend choir events.  He also ran the weekly choir draw.  He will be greatly missed by all his friends in the choir.

The Winter Season

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So, it was now back to rehearsals and the build up to our Christmas Concert season, with a few minor appearances to keep the variety going. Our first seasonal concert was held on the 10th December at St Hillery's Church in Killay where we received a very warm welcome. 

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One of our consistently successful venues is All Saints Church, Oystermouth, with a good seating capacity and lovely acoustics.  Thus, our annual concert for Maggies was held on the 15th December, also featuring the Pontardulais Brass Band, was the biggest event of the season and once again hugely popular. The Ladies’ section once again organised their annual concert at the Scout HQ on the 13th December and this was another success.  A Christmas Concert that always receives a really great reception is at the Vivian Hall, Blackpill, on the 19th December where we have trouble fitting in the choir and the audience.  Somehow, they managed to get us all in and the crowd, including the Lord Mayor Mike Day and his good lady, gave us a very warm response. 

 We’ve also been learning the basic principles of singing, at a Singing Workshop held on the 21st January.  Our guest for the day was Jeffrey Howard who delivered a thought provoking session for the choristers.

Looking Ahead.

Gwalia Singers is bucking the trend and getting bigger and better at a time when many choirs are diminishing and reducing their loads. Matthew, along with our top rate music team, the wonderful Rhian as pianist and former MD Nick Rogers, assistant accompanist Steve Wilson and violinist Gareth Widlake, has plans that will project the choir even further along the road to success. Naturally, those plans include the continuation of our road to top performance. We have a really unusual date for March 5th, singing at Ffos Las racecourse, then back to our regular venue at All Saints for Marie Curie. The same venue will be used for our own Annual Concert on June 11th, as well as having a number of weddings to attend, including one in Ireland! We have plans for another record to be made and will be singing at other music festivals.

Watch out for announcements linking us with the ‘Gwalia Prostate Choir’, not actually related to us, but we will be associated with them for their fundraising for this important cause. Our own travel plans will work towards another October highlight, this year being a visit to old friends in Mannheim, Germany. Life with Matthew will, without doubt, be a continued roller coaster and we look forward to it with enthusiasm. Life is about high quality performance and fun with a great crowd.

We want more members to come with us on our exciting journey. You don’t need to be a ‘professional’ musician, just somebody who enjoys singing, good company and the sense of ‘belonging’ to a happy bunch of like-minded people. Many of us have a history of sporting days and love the camaraderie, so come to a rehearsal to meet the gang, ask any of us about it, or drop us a line. You will be assured of a welcome and then you can start on the road to our next adventures.


Serendipity generally means a chance finding of good luck. However, it was more than just luck that, a year ago on the 22nd February 2022, this excellent choir met with Matthew Ioan Sims.  It took just two rehearsals for the boys to vote him as our new Musical Director.  What a year we have enjoyed since then!

A Day at the Races

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Sunday, March 5th introduced us to an interesting new type of venue. Whilst the Marx Brothers’ film of the above name was a renowned comedy, our experience was ‘funny’ in a different way! Despite very short notice, close on 40 of our rugged band made their way to the Ffos Las racecourse to take part in a ‘Proud to be Welsh’ day. We soon discovered that there were more than hurdles to be overcome!

Thankful that we were not, as originally suggested, to sing in the cold open air by the gates, we found ourselves inside one of the bars, immediately realising that the low ceiling was covered in polystyrene tiles, wonderful for damping sound. Any bar provides other distractions; the sound of ordering drinks, louder conversations etc., plus in this case the accompaniment of piped music to distract from our singing. We persevered and found a number of people paying attention and applauding in appreciation. Moving to our second bar, we found slightly better acoustics, but this time a competition with the racecourse’s loudspeaker system.

However, the boys persisted and ‘walked through the storm’ to deserve some applause and laudatory comments from some of those present. All we can say was that it was a new experience and we survived, our name was spread further and we made at least some new friends. On to the next with heads held high!

A Home Win

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For Gwalia Singers, the lovely church of All Saints in Oystermouth is one that we consider ‘home’. We have held many concerts here and our Annual Concert on June 17th will be here yet again. With a large capacity, excellent acoustics and great facilities, this is a first rate venue. Also ‘home’ to us is the excellent charity for Marie Curie, one of our long-established groups of friends.

So, on the 11th March, when ‘Away’ victories were the trend (at least for Wales and France), it was a sweet taste of home success indeed. Despite Covid and other distractions, over 50 took to the stage and what an evening it was! The choir was on song, Musical Director Matthew brought the best out of all (as well as performing a popular solo verse himself), Rhian was as usual brilliant on the piano and Gareth spot on with the violin for the two established numbers. In addition, local saxophonist Mick Luck played a couple of fine sessions with some smooth music.

The evening ended with the large audience giving a standing ovation and then remaining standing to join in with the National Anthem, including the last lines under the direction of Matt, of course – followed by the final chorus with the accompaniment of the choir. An undeniable ‘home win’ and we hope for many similar fixtures in the future! The evening raised the grand amount of £2652 for the charity.  Thanks to the Marie Curie committee for organising such a lovely evening.

Rings & Ruby

Themes are emerging for the next couple of months as the Gwalia Singers continue to develop their excellence and, defying trends, expand their membership with new and keen choristers taking the total number to over 70.

Saturday, April 29th saw us invited to sing at the wedding of the delightful couple Jon and Lucy at St Peter’s Church, Newton. Once again, the challenge was there, in that lovely floral arrangements meant that 50 choristers were almost on top of the congregation! Weddings are not always easy, as we never know how keen the audience may be towards Male Voice Choirs, but we performed five numbers, mixing English and Welsh songs, as the guests were being seated. There was a short delay due to some vehicle problems and then we joined in with the congregation on two hymns that everybody knows – Cwm Rhondda (Guide me, O thou great redeemer) and All things bright and beautiful. Not much was needed from prompt sheets!

Finally, we added two numbers as the couple signed the register and then we were asked to remain for a photo with the bride and groom. Thanks to the Reverend Chris Darvill for running the service and introducing us to the attendees.

We are now anticipating a big rugby event.  On the 26th May, our venue will definitely be bigger as we perform at the 150th Anniversary of the famous Swansea RFC at the new Swansea Arena.  This is a big honour for the Gwalia Singers and we look forward to a great night. We hope our President, the Whites’ legend Geoff Wheel, will be proud to see us there!

Back to the ‘Rings again, June 2nd will see us performing at another wedding at St Catherine’s, Gorseinon and we look forward to taking part in another happy day.

However, the highlight of the first half of 2023 is undoubtedly the Gwalia Singers’ Annual Concert on the 17th June, 2023.  This will be a spectacular evening at All Saints Church, Mumbles,  when we will sing some established favourites, plus a range of new numbers that we have been working on with Musical Director Matthew Ioan Simms, our outstanding accompanist Rhian and the rest of the musical team of Nick Rogers, Gareth Widlake and Stephen Wilson. Tickets will be in great demand, so make sure you get yours for this extra special occasion! More news for the latter half of the year will be published soon.

Proud to be Gwalia

Ukraine 2

Ukraine 1

Mumbles RFC bar may not be the biggest venue and, indeed, it was as well that our entire membership did not try to squeeze in!  However, in the afternoon of Sunday 14th May, we are told that we are now Swansea’s biggest Male Voice Choir as our turnout was pretty good. It is not surprising, as this concert was in aid of the funds for THE UKRAINE.  Enthusiasm from the audience was, as usual in this club, excellent and it really boosted us as we went through a full programme, along with a couple of solo numbers from our renowned Musical Director Matthew Simms.

A heartfelt speech from the Ukrainian charity’s local organiser, Svetlana, explained how their brave soldiers hope to push to reclaim some of the lands stolen by Russia and how funds raised would be used to provide medical aid to the region in these distressing times.  It was very moving and it was splendid to see how many of our own choir pressed forward to contribute when the collecting tankard was circulated. It probably also made one or two of our songs more emotional and meaningful.  Throughout all our numbers and, indeed, Matt’s solos, our pianist Rhian was her usual brilliant self.

It would have been hard to ignore the attractive young ladies with floral garlands in their hair (naturally, the flowers were in the colours of the now familiar Ukrainian flag). Once we had finished our programme, these young ladies delighted the guests and our members with a display of folk dancing.

We had an afternoon to remember and one to be proud of as we made our own contribution, both musical and practical, to this excellent cause! We’ll be back!

Honoured to be invited

Swansea RC

As the famous Swansea Rugby Club (The All Whites) celebrated 150 years of playing, they chose the famed new Arena for a spectacular dinner and event with many famous names both attending and providing the entertainment on such a special occasion. Thus, it was a matter of some pride that The Gwalia Singers male voice choir was invited to open the proceedings.

We started by singing in the concourse, where guests were arriving and it was, for many of us, an opportunity to spot some star names of past and present in appropriate evening dress. We then switched over to the stage where, after a little delay, we had the crowd’s undivided attention as we sang Cwm Rhondda to enthusiastic applause and then led the congregation in the National Anthem.

This was an honour fitting the growing popularity of our choir and our numbers approaching 60 on stage reflected the status we have been earning as the top of the range in the region. We now look forward with great enthusiasm to our Annual Concert at All Saints Church in Mumbles on the 17th June. It will be a great night!

Part of a perfect day

On Friday, June 2nd 2023, the Gwalia singers sang at the wedding of Ian and Rebecca in St Catherine's church, Gorseinon.  The weather was perfect, the sky was blue and cloudless and the bride and groom had, in the words of the wonderful Reverend Adrian Morgan, "scrubbed up well". The choir performed four songs during the arrival of guests before carrying out a tricky lateral manoeuvre to clear space for the  ceremony itself. 

The bride was fashionably late, giving time for choristers time to suck on a mint or two or sit for a moment before singing 'You Are So Beautiful' as Rebecca walked down the aisle. She was beautiful. 

The choir then retired to the stalls to muse over their own marriages, past, present or future, as Ian and Rebecca exchanged vows. The Reverend Morgan declared them man and wife and went on to profer excellent marital advice.

The choir left the stalls to line in their appropriate sections on one side of the church to sing while the couple signed the register. With the exception of one bass, the move went without incident given that the sections were randomly mixed in the choir stalls. The Gwalia's contribution to the wedding ended with 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You' as Ian and Rebecca walked down the aisle to their new, married life. Musical Director Matthew Sims, in a post match interview, enthused that the performance had been 'Alright'.

If Carlsberg did concerts....

Saturday, June 17th saw our long-awaited Annual Concert at All Saints, Mumbles and the reaction of the packed audience was positively tremendous. A widely varied programme included, of course, many of our established favourites and blockbusters, but Musical Director Matthew Simms has introduced much that is new to Gwalia, including the Welsh hymn ‘Y Darlun’ and the soulful ‘To Where You Are’. Our regular followers were delighted with a first-class concert and there is no doubt that new supporters now understand why Gwalia Singers is now such a fast-growing choir in both numbers and reputation.

Our young guest performers, tenor Harri Morgan and soprano Kathryn Forrest, delighted everybody with performances that were of the highest quality and superb entertainment and our guest accompanist Jeffrey Howard was faultless as always. In addition, our own wonderful Rhian showed just why we would never change her! An additional crowd-pleaser was our own soloist, Daniel Davies and all were charmed by the lovely young Ukrainian ladies who performed a folk dance, prompting a big boost to our bucket collection for that charity. Of course, we thank Matthew for his energetic direction, as well as his usual contribution with a solo verse here and there.

During the evening, long service ties were presented to choristers as follows:  30 years - John Davies, 25 years - Lawrence Sutton and Pip George, 15 years - Walter Jones and Walter Carey, and 5 years - John Ashmole, Steve Barker, Bill McCarley, Keith Riley and Gareth Widlake.  Congratulations to them all.

The church eventually rang to a great all-round rendition of the National Anthem. It was, as many people averred, a simply splendid evening!  To see more photographs please click here.

To read more of our news going back to the choirs beginning click here

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