Gwalia Singers


Cantorion Gwalia

Formal Photo

Photograph of the Gwalia Singers taken at their Annual concert on the 17th June 2023

We are members of the

Joining the Nation in Choral Singing

Foreign Tours. (More details in our News or History)


We have sung at many weddings over the years and we could be available to sing at yours. To find out more please click here.

Wedding Logo


We have now settled into our new rehearsal venue - Linden Christian Centre, Elm Grove Road, West Cross, SA3 5LD (map) starting at 7.00pmFor more information and to see some photographs please click here. Now is a good time for new members to join the choir!

Choir Sections

We have 4 sections in the choir - Top Tenors, Second Tenors, baritones and Basses.  To see the members of each section please click here.

Gwalia Ladies

We have excellent support from the Gwalia Ladies who organise many social and fundraising events for the choir.  Click here to see details of their latest event.

Latest CD

Our latest CD 'Annual Concert' is currently available. This recording was made at our Annual Concert in 2018 and is probably our best recording so far.  Further details are available on the Recordings page.

Anniversary Concert CD

We have produced several recordings, made over the years, on YouTube.  Some of these can easily be found on the Recordings page.


Singing in Oppenheim

Uniform Accessories

Our main concert uniform is provided by the choir but we do have other items that choir members can purchase.  These include polo shirts, sweat shirts, jumpers, waterproof coats etc all with the Gwalia logo.   For more information and a price list please click here.


Welcome to the website of the Gwalia Singers, Swansea. We are a well-established Welsh male voice choir and hope you enjoy your visit. If you have any requests or suggestions, please contact the webmaster.  Don't forget to leave any comments on Facebook and Twitter.


Croeso i wefan Cantorion Gwalia , Abertawe. Rydym yn gôr meibion Cymreig a gobeithiwn y byddwch yn mwynhau eich ymweliad. Os oes gennych unrhyw geisiadau neu awgrymiadau , cysylltwch â’r gwefeistr.

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Change of President

After many years of representing the Gwalia Singers as our President Geoff Wheel has decided to stand down.  We thank him for all the dedication and hard work he has put in to support the choir over the years.  We wish him all the best in the future and hope to see him at some of our concerts and events in the future.
We are very pleased to announce that, at our annual concert on the 15th June, Peter Lynn (right), of Peter Lynn & Partners, has agreed to become our new President.  We look forward to a long and successful partnership with Peter and hope that he will enjoy being our President.

Our Musical Director

The 2nd of February 2024 was Matthew Ioan Sims 2nd anniversary since he joined the choir as our Musical Director (For information about Matt see our Musical Team page).  In that time the choir has continued to grow in numbers and performing skill under his guidance. 

Come and join us at the Linden Centre in West Cross on a Tuesday evening from 7:00 until 9:00 pm.

New choir members are always welcome.  You don’t need to be able to read music as we learn everything by heart.  We are a friendly bunch and you will receive a very warm welcome with lots of help and advice if you join usWe have restarted performing at weddings and concerts, so this is now a great time to join the choir.

Singing has many health benefits; it can relieve stress, improve lung function, develop a sense of belonging, enhance memory, to mention a few.  In normal times we go on a foreign Concert Tour every year.

Why not pop in to one of our rehearsals and enjoy listening to us, you could even join in to see how you get on.  To see our future bookings please go to Concerts & Events.

Next Concerts/Events (more events)

Saturday 17th August, 2024.
Gwalia Singers.
South Petherton, Somerset.


The Gwalia Singers were founded in 1966 and quickly gained the reputation of being a small, successful choir with a strong sense of 'belonging'. Although the years since have seen some big changes in the choir's circumstances, the essentials remain. We still draw our members from a wide range of backgrounds and geographical locations, we still enjoy success on the concert platform and we still like to feel that a Gwalia has three main priorities in life - his family, his work and the choir (in that order).

Why "Gwalia"?

Wales is one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  Wales has its own language (Welsh) and, since 1955, its own capital city (Cardiff).  It is often referred to as "The Land of Song" While 'Cymru' (the Welsh word for Wales) means 'friends' or 'fellow countrymen', the word Wales stems from a word used by the invading Anglo Saxons to mean 'foreigners' or 'outsiders', despite the Welsh being native to the land.  Gwalia is an archaic Welsh name for Wales, deriving from the Latin words Gwalia or Wallia.

Support the Gwalia Singers.

You can help support the Gwalia Singers with very little effort.

 When you shop on-line the choir will receive a donation and it won't cost you any more on your shopping bill.

Go to and then click on 'Shop now and raise' and follow the instructions.

Thank you for supporting us in this way.

Did you know...

One of the most heavily requested records every Christmas in the USA is 'Stop The Cavalry'. However, the version requested is not the one by Jona Lewie that you may be familiar with. It is, in fact, the version recorded about a year later by the Cory Band with the Gwalia Singers. It is quite possibly the most popular song ever by an artist who never had a charted recording - single, album or otherwise. Unfortunately we don't have any copies for sale, but CDs can be purchased from, it can be played on Spotify and is also available for download via iTunes or Amazon.